The ChemReview Team


Dr. Donald J. Dahm is a professor at Rowan University.  He entered teaching after retirement
from a career as a research director for the Monsanto Corporation.  In 2004, Dr. Dahm received
the Outstanding Achievement in Near Infrared Spectroscopy Award from the Eastern Analytical
Symposium.  His most recent book, with son Kevin, a professor of chemical engineering at Rowan,
is Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance: A Theoretical Introduction to Absorption Spectroscopy
of Scattering Materials,
NIR Publications (2007).


Eric A. Nelson’s career spanned work as a chemistry instructor and as an elected officer and
legislative representative for his faculty organization.  Prior to his retirement, he served on
committees at the state and regional level working to raise academic standards and encourage
the adoption of research-based curricula in STEM fields.   

If you are an instructor who may be interested in joining the effort to test, review, edit, and upgrade
the Calculations materials, please contact us at ChemReviewTeam@ChemReview.Net .